Abstract guidelines

  1. Title (aligned to the left, Times New Roman, font size 12, bold).
  2. List of authors with superscript numbering indicating affiliations and asterisk indicating the corresponding author (aligned to the left, Times New Roman, font size 12).
  3. List of affiliations (aligned to the left, Times New Roman, font size 12).
  4. An informative abstract should be written between 250-300 words that consist introduction, objective, methodology, results, and conclusion (justify alignment, Times New Roman, font size 12)
  5. Keywords: Provide a maximum of 3-5 keywords (heading aligned left and bold, continue in the same line as the heading, Times New Roman, font size 12)
  6. Funding details (if any) (heading aligned left and bold, continue in the same line as the heading, Times New Roman, font size 12)
  7. Corresponding author (heading aligned left and bold, provide full name of corresponding author, address and email, all italic)

Abstract template


Faculty of Pharmacy
Universiti Teknologi MARA
Puncak Alam Campus
42300 Bandar Puncak Alam
Selangor. MALAYSIA

Telephone: +603 3258 4645
Fax: +603 3258 4602
Email: irni.ipops2022@gmail.com